Chohachi Museum

Born in 1815, Irie Chohachi was a local artist in Matsuzaki who dealt with plaster art. He studied at the Jokanji temple until he reached the age of twelve, and had his apprenticeship with another local plasterer before going to Edo (present Tokyo) to study painting when he was twenty-three. Not only are his works known throughout the country but all over the world as well. 

The Chohachi festival is held at the Izu Chohachi Art Museum where several of Irie’s magnificent plaster works are displayed and the tools he used to make such intricate art. His pieces are so detailed that magnifying glasses are available at the museum for a close-up look. The museum itself is also an award-winning structure designed by architect Osamu Ishiyama for its combination of architectural styles from the Edo period and the 21st century.


Green Papaya